Friday, 26 September 2008

Whats Poppin In Argentina?

Hey, My name is Courtney!
I am thirteen, and I'm in eighth grade. I can't speak any spanish except for like uno doeze trieze or something, haha. I think school is okay, but it's not my favorite thing to do. I do like to go to the park and to the movies. I think I may be going to the movies tonight, but i'm not sure. What do you like to do? I love bright colors like YELLOW! Yellow is my favorite color. What is yours?
I love my family but they annoy me like way a lot. But it's okay. It's so cool to be talking to you!!
My Uncle is in the air force and went to Argentina, he brought me back a purse. It's so pretty!Well all for now.....
Peace, Courtney(:

1 comment:

the students`blog said...

Hey my name is Franklin I'm in the 6th grade and I'm 12 years old. I have a older sister and she bosses me around. My favorite color is red. My favorite sport is soccer.